Sunday, April 27, 2008

Kim standing in the Gulf signaling a right turn to Mexico.

Me standing in the Gulf, fat and happy.

Kim on the way to the beach.

Beach access from our condo on Mustang island, just outside of Chorpus Christi.

Kim at a windy roadside pic-nic rest stop on the way to Corpus Christi.

Is this the yellow rose of Texas?

There's nothing like Texas freeway interchanges! This one is in San Antonio. I lost the battery charger to my digital camera so pictures of the river walk will have to wait until I get snail film developed.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Here are some lake homes...Becky's is the one with all the glass.

Barton Springs is an artesian spring just south of downtown. Kim went along with Becky to feed some horses at a ranch on Lake Travis. Steve shows off his fish heads caught from the lake. Kim and Steve driving the boat. A quiet lagoon off the lake.